WooCommerce integration with ERP Optima

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Online shops
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Job description

Our company would like to perform WooCommerce integration with ERP Optima

Integration of Inventory and pricing

Template / individual design:

The integration is to take place on an existing store on WooCommerce

Required functions:

it is to be a one-way integration of ERP Optima => WooCommerce based on the product "Code" from Optima Assigning the Product Code from Optima is to be done manually by the employee (preferably using a drop-down list with a preview of the Product Code-Name) from the Create/Edit Product page of WooCommerce (preferably a separate tab in the product edition) Ability to select synchronization interval and possibility of "on-demand" synchronization WooCommerce to retrieve product stock from Optima In WooCommerce product delivery time, must have options automatic - set based on the stock status manually - set individually by employees Standard delivery time should be 3 days for in-stock goods, 30 for out-of-stock goods (Additional) Ability to select a standard delivery time depending on the Manufacturer/Product e.g. 2/29, 3/30, 4/40 Ability to edit these standard shipping times later Ability to group products from Optima (adding more than one Product Code from Optima in one WooCommerce listing) so that the functionality looks like if all products are in stock delivery time 3 days, if one or more products are unavailable delivery time 30 days Additional assumptions: also price integration, so that WooCommerce would get the prices from Optima from the "EURO" box, and similar to the shipping time issue, there would be an option, downloading prices automatically or entering manually, and when grouping products, the prices would add up?