Woocommarce and Wordpress specialist (preferably Elementor)

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3 deals
Job category:
Online shops
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Job description

I am looking for a specialist who will analyze the current site built on Wordpress (Elementor) and suggest, and upon approval, implement all improvements that can positively affect the speed of the site and user reception. The most important part of the order, however, is the implementation of a store on Woocommarka, where it will be possible to sell tickets for classroom training (we currently have only two such products). Our business is mainly based on conducting psychological consultations, and through our site customers can make appointments online - this is the main functionality on our site, which we do not want to change. Selling tickets for in-person trainings is to be an additional activity.

To summarize the requirements for the contractor:

- analysis of the current website built on wordpress

- implementation of improvements to the existing site (if any are necessary)

- implementation and configuration of the store on Woocommarka (configuring the plugin, setting up all the functionality, payments, creating a friendly look for the sub-page with the store and a template for product sub-pages).

Template / individual design:

Our site is built on Elementor and for the moment we do not want to change that.

Required functions:

The store will only be able to pay via transfer24. The site has implemented a booking system from twojpsycholog.pl, which we do not want to change.