Web research for building a contact list

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Recent jobs from category Marketing

  • no avatar
    WPSHU s.c. 4 deals
    Hello, I have a landing page created in landingi.com The internal integration of the Landing Conventions API only collects the “contact” event after the form submission. I, on the other hand, would like the meta (for the purpose of optimizing my ads) to collect the page view event and not the contact and not through the pixel but just through the CONVERSION API. Please help me with the appropriate configuration. Best Regards Piotr
  • no avatar
    Need to make AtomStore based online store properly integrate with Google ADS and measure conversions correctly. Likewise, I would like to properly measure results in GA4. Store address: taniestruny.pl The standard configuration of the store through the AtomStore configuration panel does not bring the desired results.
  • no avatar
    Cztery Asy sp. z o. o.
    Hello, I would like to commission a LookerStudio template. I will send all the information what should be there and on what place and what calculations should Looker do. It's all about basic functions: - CPC of this month and last month - CTR from this month and last month - displays from this month and last month - clicks from this month and last month - cost from this month and last month Plus a comparison of whether parameters are increasing or decreasing
  • no avatar
    2 pages - a blog and a sales page works a campaign on fb which collects leads, I need a system that will send an appropriate email to the lead and depending on his activity / periodically send another one + adding a sms system - so a lead drops in, then gets an email, then an sms and from time to time gets another notification. I have configured LEADSBRIDGE
  • no avatar
    Alicja 109 deals
    GA4 / Consent Mode
    Proposed by freelancer
    We are currently encountering difficulties with data counting in GA4. Therefore, we are looking for a specialist to review the implementation of GA4 on the website, verify the correctness of conversion tracking, and check whether the consent mode has been implemented correctly.
Job category:
Online analytics
Expected budget:

50.00 EUR

Valid until:

Job description

We are currently seeking a researcher in Poland who possesses exceptional proficiency in acquiring contact information for a Korean- beauty wholesaler.

We are running a B2B platform where global beauty retailer can purchase a Korean-beauty product.

Our project’s target country is Poland and we are looking to collect a retailer’s information who wants to purchase products from us right now or has the potential to purchase our products in Poland.

The ideal candidate should possess a background in performing online research and employing a variety of tools and methodologies to procure precise and current contact details. We will give you a specific detail which this work should encompass.

The first project is 50EUR for 200 exact pieces of information. If you have good accuracy and quality of the search results, you can become a fixed partner with us, and the cost per project could be increased.

Relevant Skills(Nice-to-have):

- Proficient in online research

- Well-versed in web scraping

- Demonstrates proficiency in contact verification

Duration: 1 week

Expertise: Intermediate

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