Translation of articles from Polish into Czech - Fashion industry

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Other languages
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Job description

I am looking for a copywriter for permanent cooperation to translate texts from Polish to Czech in the fashion industry, taking into account SEO guidelines from a tool like surferseo/neuronwriter.

Please include in your offer information about the proposed rate for an 8000 characters long article and examples of already completed translations, preferably from the Fashion industry.

Type and number of texts:

blog articles

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The language of the text:


Recent jobs from category Translation

  • no avatar
    I am looking for a copywriter for permanent cooperation to translate texts from the fashion industry from Polish to Slovak with consideration of SEO guidelines from a tool like surferseo/neuronwriter. Please include in your offer information about the proposed rate for an 8000 characters article and examples of already completed translations, preferably from the Fashion industry.
  • no avatar
    Lukasz_G 8 deals
    We have texts that are already translated into Slovak, but need proofreading. Construction machinery industry. The texts are divided into smaller articles, and I would estimate all the materials at 400 pages. People who know the language are invited to bid. To intermediaries and A.I. tool wizards - thank you!