Job description
commission to write a script that retrieves product data from a website / eCommerce site
we are interested in the full product catalog with all related elements (available and unavailable products)
in the resulting file should be the so-called page tree with columns of type:
link to the product page
link to product images
extended description
EAN code | symbol
properties /product specification /parameters
supplier name
brand name
related products | related articles
the script should enable cyclic and parallel data downloading and saving | export of downloaded information to .xlsx | .csv | .txt
due to the amount of data, it is to allow firing the download of data per category | providing a link and providing a domain link (total download)
how the order process looks like:
1) you send the resulting file to check whether all sections of the page were downloaded correctly - when the resulting file will be ok
2) we write an agreement to transfer copyright to the script
3) you get the transfer
4) you hand over the script with instructions on how to call it up
if the process suits you and you know how to do it then make an offer and let us know for when the script will be ready....