Recenzje książek dla dzieci, o dzieciach, wychowaniu itp.

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Recent jobs from category Marketing

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    DevITjobs 88 deals
    Assignments include: - preparing 20 new email templates in German language
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    ld 8 deals
    Hi! We are looking for people who will be able to help us prepare 150 product descriptions for a lighting store - we are talking about various types of pendant lamps, floor lamps, or wall lamps. We are keen on unique texts that will not only fit into SEO norms, but also speak the language of benefits, helping the customer to make a practical purchase decision. We are open and eager to establish permanent, long-term cooperation - we regularly receive new deliveries, hence there should be no shortage of texts to prepare. Age or education absolutely does not play a role. What matters to us is passion, talent and love of writing. If you are an open-minded, contactable person with a light pen, present your offer for 1000 characters and, if possible, leave your contact information. P.S. If you have experience in preparing texts from the interior design industry (with special emphasis on product descriptions of lighting), be sure to let us know ! :)
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    Changing the text in 21 AI files
    Proposed by freelancer
    I will commission to change the text to Polish in 21 AI Files. Text and files will be provided. Everything else is to remain unchanged.
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    We are looking for a person to create selling titles + thumbnails for listings on ebay. de. Preferably if it will be a person familiar with the erotic industry, as the listings are mainly about sex toys. Photos are provided, they just need to be properly processed in a graphics program. Possibility of permanent cooperation. I invite you :)
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    Bart Camel
    I am looking for help writing scripts for YouTube videos on business topics (business documentary). I plan to publish 2 videos per month (publishing every two weeks) and I am looking for someone who would be interested in a long-term relationship. The length of the script will depend on the planned length of the video (between 10 and 15 minutes). I would like the way of storytelling to be inspired by the following channels: I do not require experience We will be writing the scripts together in a way as I will be helping you to do research and polish the different parts. If you are interested, please feel free to contact me. I will be happy to answer any questions.
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Job description

Szukam osoby, lub osób, które będą w stanie stworzyć mi recenzje przeczytanych przez siebie książek, które można dać dzieciom do czytania, są o dzieciach ich emocjach, problemach, wychowaniu i wszelkiej maści innych rzeczach, które się z dziećmi lub nastolatkami wiążą.

Wymagania do tekstu:

1. Unikalny, napisany z własnych doświadczeń i książki

2. Posiadający tytuł, nagłówek h2 i h3

3. Krótki na max 1 stronę A4

Świetnie, jeśli byłaby to recenzja książki, która jest też dostępna na świecie, nie tylko w Polsce. Przykładem takiej książki może być np. Wild Child Eliane Retz, dostępna w Polsce, ale też na świecie.

Proszę o cenę za 1 tekst.

Subject matter/industry:


Type and number of texts:

dużo krótkich tekstów

Type and number of texts:

dużo krótkich tekstów

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