Prowadzenie Strefy Blogowej oraz Newsletter - Dermokosmetyki

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Recent jobs from category Marketing

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    article about Can Renewable Energy Reduce Costs? Uncovering the Economic Advantages with main emphasis on the small wind turbines. I provide the information about our product and SEO recomendation. The text should pass uniqueness test and AI detector.
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    The topic: Capacity Factor of Small Wind Turbines Comments: The general article of CF in different renewables. Compare with Solar. Why this is important and how it is used? if possible, compare with other small wind manufacturers Explain what is CF Why is it important Approximate structure (Can be changed or added to as desired) H1: Capacity Factor of Small Wind Turbines H2: Introduction H3: Overview of Wind Energy and Wind Turbines H3: Importance of Capacity Factor H2: Understanding Capacity Factor H3: What is Capacity Factor? H3: Factors Affecting Capacity Factor H2: Capacity Factor in Small Wind Turbines H3: Comparison with Large Turbines H3: Impact of Wind Speeds and Location H2: Conclusion H3: Key Takeaways on Efficiency H3: Future Prospects for Small Wind Turbines Example to use in the text: Capacity factor = (Actual output / Rated power) / Time period cf = 18 000 kWh / 20 kWh / 8760 h = 10% Capacity Factor (%)= (Total Possible Energy Produced over Total Actual Energy Produced) cf = 18 / 69,6 = 26% Placement: Blog
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    ray.anna 3 deals
    I run a graphic design studio, I am looking for a creative copywriter for permanent cooperation, who for the moment could come up with a name for me for a start-up company. Ultimately for permanent cooperation in writing texts for clients. If interested, please contact me.
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    ld 8 deals
    Hi! We are looking for people who will be able to help us prepare 150 product descriptions for a lighting store - we are talking about various types of pendant lamps, floor lamps, or wall lamps. We are keen on unique texts that will not only fit into SEO norms, but also speak the language of benefits, helping the customer to make a practical purchase decision. We are open and eager to establish permanent, long-term cooperation - we regularly receive new deliveries, hence there should be no shortage of texts to prepare. Age or education absolutely does not play a role. What matters to us is passion, talent and love of writing. If you are an open-minded, contactable person with a light pen, present your offer for 1000 characters and, if possible, leave your contact information. P.S. If you have experience in preparing texts from the interior design industry (with special emphasis on product descriptions of lighting), be sure to let us know ! :)
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AMI Digital
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Dzień dobry,

poszukuję osoby, która będzie w stanie dostarczyć kilka jakościowych tekstów miesięcznie. Teksty miałyby obejmować:

- prowadzenie strefy blogowej w temacie pielęgnacji skóry, aktywne uczestniczenie w wyborze tematów. Testy mają wesprzeć stronę pod kontem SEO oraz być narzędziem marketingowym wykorzystywanym w kampaniach Google Ads.

- prowadzenie komunikacji przez newsletter marki

- stworzenie opisów substancji aktywnych obecnych w naszych dermokosmetykach.

Proszę aby zgłaszały się osoby, które mają doświadczenie w pisaniu tekstów w temacie: kosmetyków, skincare, beauty.

Subject matter/industry:

Zdrowie i Uroda

Type and number of texts:

Teksty SEO - 2 miesięcznie Komunikacja Newsletter - 2 miesięcznie Artykuły wspierające bieżące akcje marketingowe - 1 miesięcznie

Number of characters: