product descriptions to the online store in English (industry: herbalism, health, alternative medicine)

Closed job
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Online UK
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Job description

We are looking for a talented and organized person to write descriptions of products in our online store for marketing purposes in English. These descriptions should also inform and interest the customer, and finally persuade him to buy the product.

We require the fluency of the English language in writing and the ability to write interesting advertising descriptions for our clients in accordance with our guidelines. We appreciate the organization and adherence to deadlines; experience with writing such texts and interest in the herbal industry, health, and alternative medicine, will also be appreciated.

However, the lack of experience does not disqualify you from taking up cooperation. If you have passion for this subject and feel you can handle it, your candidacy will also be welcomed and taken into account.

Feel free to contact us for more information.

Number of characters:

10 descriptions, 500-800 words in description

Type and number of texts:

Product description (dried herbs, roots, flowers, etc.)