PHP / JS programming for WP WooCommerce template.

Closed job
Job category:
Desktop/web applications
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

Hi. Ultragraf graphic design studio has been in business since 2010. We create websites and online stores based on templates from stock as well as our own template on bootstrap.

We are currently looking for a person to work on a website on Wordpress with Woocommerce.

Mainly writing PHP and JS.

Template written on bootstrap 5 in scss.

Design and work product:

To be completed:

1. Appearance of the product name on the enlarged photo.

We already take the name from the photo title and display it on the thumbnail, however, you need to put this text on the enlarged photo in the lightbox.

2. Expanding the full description in the product category.

In the list of products after hovering over the product photo, the text description is to expand.

It is written in the product description field and pulled out already on this sub-page with the product - however, you need to make the effect after hovering.

3. custom print appearance on the printer - template I have it needs to be set in HTML / PHP

Printing the product card from what we see on the screen - but with a slightly different look.

Product name

Product Description,


All images of the product on the printout.


Accessories on the printout.

Additional copyright text.

Please specify the hourly rate.

Information from Useme: bidding is only possible if:

- possession of a valid student card (for pupils/students up to 26 years of age)

- confirmed statement of full-time employment for at least the minimum wage

- having a business activity

Please quote a month of work for the declared number of hours.

Required functions: