Permanent editing cooperation - YouTube

Closed job
5 deals
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Job description

Editor TYPICALLY under YOUTUBE sought. I am looking for a man for permanent editing cooperation, 4 - 5 videos per month, which will be generally DO 15 minutes long. I need a man who gets cut videos from me - my talking to the camera + often b rolls.

What I would need:

- color grading,

- adding zooms, transitions and general dynamization of the video - as desired. I depend on not having to mark it on the timer,

- adding audio + sfx - also at my discretion,

- adding stock footage, YouTube footage, photos according to my description of the nature of the whole episode. It will be general, without specifying timelines. For example, so that it feels that when I talk about a music band, a photo of the band should appear at this point.

In other words, I want the person who will do the editing to be creative, independent and with initiative enough to feel how to present the video, so that it will be fun and longoooo watchable

The channel will be strictly about music and pop culture.

Type and length:
