Job description
I will commission a logo design for a client, only people with imagination and skills.
The condition for starting further discussions is to present your skills by presenting a portfolio. Lack of portfolio in the offer results in the removal of the offer as not meeting the requirements and a signal of not reading the content of the ad.
Further correspondence is to provide information and profile of the client's business, website on the basis of which a logo should be built for the client.
Freelancers only. Agencies are immediately removed, because I do not have time for them.
In the invitation the maximum budget amount is given.
Entries such as: the rate given in this offer does not constitute an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code and is only an invitation to select a Contractor and to start negotiations (the undertaking of which requires the provision of "information about the client's business profile" indicated in the request of the Ordering Party) causes the offer to be immediately removed, as its author has demonstrated a lack of reading of the content of the announcement