ON Absolwent - szkolenia zdalne z możliwością zatrudnienia

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Recent jobs from category Web development

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    Klaudia Grela
    CookieBot or CookiesYes -Add a cookie and privacy policy on the site. I am looking for someone to help me and explain how to add cookie and consent mechanism on the site.
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    A quick action on CITO. I don't know how I (accidentally) changed the url of the login panel of the site, which is hosted on Wordpress. I'm looking for someone to remotely embrace entering the database and fixing the url or changing it back to /wp-admin
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    Studio Mi
    I am looking for a reliable, well-organized person with basic knowledge of operating WordPress-based sites, Woocommerce-based stores and marketing automation systems. You don't need to have very advanced knowledge. Willingness to learn, punctuality and attention to detail are key. In your application, write about your work experience, time availability and be sure to include your hourly rate.
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    Damian Klemann
    I am looking for an experienced webmaster specialising in WordPress/WooCommerce to help install tracking codes and integrate the product catalogue with Meta (Facebook/Instagram) and Google platforms. Requirements: - Knowledge of WordPress and WooCommerce at an advanced level. - Experience in installing and configuring Meta Pixel and Google Analytics 4 (GA4). - Ability to create and integrate product catalogue with Meta (Facebook/Instagram Shop) and Google Merchant Center. - Accuracy and attention to detail when configuring tracking codes. - Familiarity with tools such as Google Tag Manager will be an advantage. Expectations: - Installation and configuration of Meta Pixel and Google Analytics 4 on a WordPress/WooCommerce based website. - Creation of a product catalogue and its integration with Meta and Google, ensuring that dynamic ads work correctly. - Testing the correct operation of the tracking codes and product catalogue after installation. - Ability to provide a brief consultation on the management and monitoring of the installed tools. - Timeliness and efficient communication during the project.
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Pewna Przyszłość Sp z o.o.
Job category:
Website maintenance
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Jesteś absolwentem studiów wyższych , które ukończyłeś przed 5 laty ( licencjat , inżynier , magister , studia podyplomowe ,

studia doktoranckie )


Jesteś studentem ostatniego roku studiów ?

Zgłoś się do Nas na Szkolenia zdalne z możliwością zatrudnienia !!

Więcej szczegółów otrzymasz dzwoniąc pod numer 572-568-862 lub 696-173-982

Szkolenia dotyczą osób zamieszkałych w województwach :








Nie czekaj !! Aplikuj już teraz !! Praca na Ciebie czeka !! 🥰🥰🥰

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