Offers to create a user database

Closed job
Pracownia innowacji
Pracownia innowacji
8 deals
Job category:
Desktop/web applications
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

In connection with the preparation of the application for funding, I am collecting offers for the comprehensive design and implementation of a user database.

Requirements that I can define at the moment:

- up to 50 thousand records - text, video recordings

-collecting data based on forms

- search results by min. 5 categories

- search results are to be presented in the form of a text file;

- data are to be added in the web and mobile application, while the results can only be available in the web application.

As part of the work, I would like to receive a comprehensive service, i.e. participation in conceptual work, designing a database with an interface, tests with users, development, and implementation works.

In the offer, please describe briefly what the scope of work is, e.g. the maximum number of working hours, technical conditions of the database, operating system, etc.

Required functions:

(500 h) Testowanie i poprawki (100 h) Akceptacja – wykazanie wszystkich funkcjonalności (5 h) Wdrożenie na wskazanym hostingu (40 h) Wsparcie w okresie testowym (60 h)