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Recent jobs from category Marketing

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    Currently looking for a Ukrainian-speaking person to help run a Facebook fanpage to increase engagement and reach our target audience. Our office specializes in legalization of residence and work for foreigners, with a particular focus on Ukrainian citizens.
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    Mika 1 deal
    Building a personal brand
    Proposed by freelancer
    Hi, I am looking for a person to help me build my personal brand. I am a real estate agent. I haven't done any social media until now so we need to create everything from scratch.
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    Product video
    Proposed by freelancer
    Hello, I am looking for a creative person to record 3 videos showcasing my product - PDF couples cards. The videos are intended to show how to use these cards both on your phone and in printed form, while organizing a romantic date. Requirements: Product presentation: the cards must be shown both electronically on a phone and as printed materials. Context of use: The videos should show the entire process of organizing a date, from planning, to using the cards, to the moment when the couple uses them in practice. Aesthetics and creativity: I'm keen to show the product in an attractive and professional way to highlight its advantages and possibilities. Possibility of longer cooperation on future projects If you are interested, please contact me with a portfolio or examples of past work and a quote. Best Regards
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    Jakub Derda
    Hi, We are seeking individuals with fluent English skills to become UGC Creators. We're looking for people who are comfortable being themselves on camera. Please provide your budget per video and send us a portfolio showcasing your English skills. Thank you!
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    Personal branding in IT
    Proposed by freelancer
    I need to work on my own personal brand mainly on Liknedin
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    I need help recovering a personal account on FB, which after a phishing hacking attack was first suspended, then deleted. The company account, on the other hand, exists but has been blocked.
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    Maria 2 deals
    FB pixel installation - urgent!
    Proposed by freelancer
    I need help with the pixel - still today!
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    StoryAngled 1 deal
    Hi there! We are looking for a graphic designer to create Linkedin visuals (swipe files, cheat sheets, carousels) based on copy and brand materials we provide. When applying, please state your experience and present your portfolio, as well as provide the flat-rate price of such services Thanks all :)
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    I am looking for a person to run a channel on X platform, aimed at “traders” in the crypto industry. We are developers of an application for historical testing, paper trading and automated trading. The goal is to build brand image and conversion from posts to website hits. Candidate should be familiar with the crypto market. The ideal candidate should be passionate about crypto (if you will be able to create interesting strategy analysis with the help of our application, then you are who we are really looking for). It would be nice if the person would also creatively respond to other users' posts related to the industry in order to build reach. We would love to see a portfolio (preferably from a similar industry)
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    Ann Mark
    Business Development / Brand Ambassador
    Proposed by freelancer
    We are seeking a dynamic and motivated Business Developer/Product Relationship to join our team. This role is primarily focused on engaging with potential customers and communities in various group chats to promote our brand and encourage participation in our services. Responsibilities: Develop and implement strategies to attract and retain customer groups. Enhance brand positioning and visibility in the market. Generate leads and convert them into loyal customers. Manage digital marketing campaigns on social media. Conduct market research to identify trends, opportunities, and competitor activities. Build and maintain relationships with clients, partners, and stakeholders. Create engaging content and manage online presence. Requirements: Proven experience in brand development and business growth. Strong understanding of customer acquisition and retention strategies. Proficiency in digital marketing and social media management. Excellent communication and networking skills. Creative and innovative thinker with strong problem-solving abilities. Compensation: This is a freelance position with a competitive pay structure, including bonuses based on performance and the number of new members successfully recruited. If you are passionate about engaging with online communities and have a knack for promoting brands, we would love to hear from you! Apply now and become an integral part of our team. #Trading #Market #Mentor #Adviser #Stocks #Community
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7 deals
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Social media
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Realizuję projekt marki osobistej związany z mediami społecznościowymi w świecie sportu, który ciągle się rozwija.

Szukam kogoś, kto pomoże mi to wszystko ogarnąć. Jeśli lubisz sport i czujesz, że wiesz, jak przemawiać do ludzi przez media społecznościowe, to świetnie się składa!

Czego potrzebuję:

- Osoby pełnej entuzjazmu do nauki i działania, nawet bez profesjonalnego doświadczenia.

- Kogoś, kto jest gotów przejść pełne przeszkolenie z zakresu obsługi ChatGPT, aby zdobyć niezbędne kompetencje.

- Znajomości podstaw Canva i wyczucia stylistycznego, co jest kluczowe w tworzeniu atrakcyjnych wizualizacji.

- Umiejętności montażu wideo - ja dostarczam materiał video :) - jeśli to Twoja pasja i chcesz się w tym rozwijać, to wspaniale!

- Zrozumienia mediów społecznościowych i umiejętności ich skutecznego wykorzystywania.

- Biegłości w użytkowaniu iPhone'a (i pracy w ios), ponieważ praca będzie często wykonywana na tym urządzeniu.

- Umiejętności obsługi aplikacji CapCut/Captions

- Zdolności do efektywnego zarządzania i sczytywania materiałów z Google Dysku, co jest niezbędne do sprawnego funkcjonowania naszych projektów.

Co oferuję:

- Przeszkolenie, dzięki któremu nie będziesz musiał martwić się o to, że czegoś nie wiesz.

- Możliwość rozwinięcia skrzydeł w interesującej branży i pracę, która może dać Ci wiele satysfakcji.

- Praca będzie głównie ze mną, jeden na jeden, więc możesz liczyć na moje wsparcie i bezpośredni feedback.

- Elastyczność – wiem, że każdy ma swoje życie, więc znajdziemy godziny, które będą pasować obu stroną.

Jeśli to wszystko brzmi jak coś, w czym chciałbyś się sprawdzić, to super.

Napisz do mnie. Chcę poznać Twoje podejście i zobaczyć, czy razem nie możemy zrobić czegoś wielkiego.

Dokonaj proszę wyceny miesięcznej współpracy montażowej - (ze szkoleniem/szablonami, wsparciem)

- 1 montaż rolki/na dzień publikowaną na facebooku/instagramie i tiktoku (tą samą)

- 3 "kafle" relacji na instagram.

Czekam na Twoją wycenę i na kontakt :)

Zależy mi na czasie.