Modifying conversions in our GA4 and Tag Manager

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we need efficient support with minor modification of our company's web conversion in Tag Manager and GA4. Are you able to do this for us at a more favorable price in a quick timeframe?

What we need:

1. setting up conversions to contact@ emails from the top and bottom of each subpage so that we can track this also separately and see how many users clicked on the email at the top of the page and how many at the bottom (we have emails everywhere near the H1 and in the footer)

2. setting up conversion to cta phone and video call (also the same way you would be able to see how many people click and how these CTAs work)

3. check why currently in GA4 the number of clicks on an email in the event category and conversions have different values and fix it.

4. check why currently in GA4 the average engagement time everywhere is 0 seconds and fix it.

5. We would like to measure how many people go/click on our instagram. But not as a target conversion but as some separate metric.

Using these subsites as an example for example: