Looking for support in adding content for PrestaShop-based online store

Closed job
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3 deals
Job category:
Expected budget:

150.00 PLN

Preferable skills:

Job description

The idea is to add simple products and descriptions, based on the Creative Elements template of your choice. Permanent cooperation, which would consist of adding about 40-50 products per month (accessories for cleaning machines, vacuum cleaners, sweepers, etc.). On average, it takes 30 minutes to add 1 description. To begin with, we would like to see if this form is convenient for both parties, so the first order includes adding 10 products (so 5h of work).

Required features

Dostosowanie dodawanych opisów do wymogów seo (w tym pamiętanie o meta opisach, odpowiednich nagłówkach, tytułach i ALT obrazków) oraz proste grafiki tworzone w Canvie.

Preferable solution

Nasz sklep jest oparty na PrestaShop, więc udostępniamy jedynie odpowiednią zakładkę z produktami.

Type and number of texts:

Adapting added descriptions to seo requirements (including remembering meta descriptions, appropriate headings, titles and ALT of images) and simple graphics created in Canva.

Number of characters:

Our store is based on PrestaShop, so we only provide the corresponding product tab.