Konsultant z doświadczeniem w sprzedaży platform b2b/pim/dam

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Recent jobs from category Other services

  • no avatar
    Pozycjonusz 36 deals
    We are looking for a person who is well versed in PrestaShop as well as Baselinker and Allegro. We are developing online stores and clients often have post-implementation issues with configuring Baselinker or Allegro for their needs, or need training on how to use these tools in conjunction with a store on PrestaShop. Please provide a quote for a package of 3 hours of consultation regarding these platforms (2h on Google Meet + 1h to answer email questions) Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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    Marek IC
    Software Architect
    Proposed by freelancer
    We are looking for a software architect/trainer/trainer to work with us. The assignment includes the development of the following educational materials: 1. exam set (2 pcs.) consisting of a theoretical part and a practical part. With the help of each set, all verification criteria (34 in total) contained in the description of the sector qualification "Software Architect" should be checked. The development of the kits also includes: - files, charts, graphs, descriptions, tables and other working materials necessary for the practical part; - answer template with justifications. 2. educational materials, consisting in particular of: - introduction; - substantive content corresponding to the learning outcomes and verification criteria of the sectoral qualification "Software Architect"; - verification materials; - glossary of terms; - a guide for the teacher; - learner's guide; - netography and bibliography;
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    AI images/product images with AI
    Proposed by freelancer
    Hi, for our brand we are looking for someone who can take realistic looking product images with coloured backgrounds, hands etc. I am sending a product mockup in appendix 1 and in appendix 2 a photo that shows what we are looking for. Please ask for a price per piece.
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    grs-office 33 deals
    HR assistant with Ukrainian language
    Proposed by freelancer
    We are a construction company and we are looking for support for our HR/Recruitment department by a person with knowledge of Ukrainian language. Responsibilities: - contact with candidates (by phone) - contact with employment agencies - publishing announcements and posts on social media We estimate the amount of work at 40 hours per month. Full availability during normal working hours is not required: activities are also possible in the afternoons and on weekends. In your offer, please include your time availability during the week and the rate for 40 hours of work. Requirements: - experience in HR / Recruitment department - knowledge of Ukrainian language
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Job description

Poszukujemy osoby z minimum 3letnim doświadczeniem w sprzedaży systemów software'owych.

Konsultant świetnie orientuje się w sprzedaży systemów wdrażanych w modelu Saas/Magento.

Oczekujemy ok. 10 godzin merytorycznych konsultacji.

Informacja od Useme: składanie ofert jest możliwe jedynie w przypadku:

- posiadania ważnej legitymacji studenckiej (dla uczniów/studentów do 26 r.ż)

- potwierdzonego oświadczenia o zatrudnieniu na etat za co najmniej minimalne wynagrodzenie

- posiadanie działalności gospodarczej

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