I would like to adopt WEB3JS to NativeScript (as a plugin or npm package)

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Desktop/web applications
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Job description

From web3js I would like to access following web3js apis from Nativescript:

web3 - sharedInstance()

- setEndPoint(endpoint,chainid)

- *eth - getGasPrice()

- getBlockNumber()

- getBalance(address)

- getTranactionCount(address)

- sendSignedTransaction(signedTx)

- signedTransaction(tx,privateKey)

- call(tx)

- estimateGas(tx)

- getChainId()

- *contract - initWithAddress(contract address)

- call(function str, argument...)

- encodeABI(function str, argument...)

- *accounts - create()

- privateKeyToAccount(privateKey)

- signTransaction(tx,privateKey)

- recoverTransaction(rawTx)

- hashMessage(string)

- sign(message, privateKey)

- recover(message, signature)

- encrypt(privateKey, password)

- decrypt(jsonDic, password)

- *utils - randomHex(size)

- sha3(string)

- keccak256(string)

- toChecksumAddress(address)

- checkAddressChecksum(address)

- numberToHex(numberString)

- hexToNumber(hex)

- utf8ToHex(String)

- hexToUtf8(hex)

- toWei(number, unit)

- fromWei(number, unit)

- *crypto - encrypt(data, public key)

- decrypt(enc data, private key)

- sign(data, private key)

- verify(data, signature)

Required functions:

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