I will order the migration of the website

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Job description

Hello I will outsource the migration of site A to site B.

The site is based on CMS wordpress.

As for the pages and blog posts are already migrated to the target site and set as drafts.

The thing is that the 301 redirect will be set 1 to 1.


pagea.pl/example-write1 to pageab.pl/example-write1

I want the current entries that are on the blog to be improved in terms of SEO and only then we set the redirect on the redirect plugin.

The improvement in terms of SEO concerns:

- setting the main image,

- adding a couple of images (available in the library or adding from pixabay)

- setting the ALT attribute on the added photo

- adding 2-3 internal links

Once the blog post is optimized in this way we set the redirect in the redirect plugin.

There are about 250 Blog entries and 60 pages to play with like this.

Required features

There are virtually no features, except that I would ask each blog post to link internally to the home or contact page before publishing. But I'll show this with examples. Posts that have already been redirected,

Preferable solution

There are ready-made solutions, the site is based on wordpress and redirects are made in the installed plugin (copy - paste url.). Graphics are in the library on the site, if it would require adding, we rely on free stock like pixabay.