I will contract a JavaScrip (React) developer to write articles and tutorials

Closed job
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Expected budget:

3000.00 PLN

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Job description

This is probably a rather unusual assignment - exclusively for experienced JavaScript / React developers.

I represent a company that offers JavaScript components. The most popular product is data grid component (Handsontable.com).

Who we are looking for?

- experienced JavaScript developer with good knowledge of React,

- creative person,

- willing to create content for other developers (write tutorials, articles),

- preferably with knowledge of English (although we can always help you translate your text),

- experience in content creation (e.g. running your own blog, YT channel, popular Twitter account, etc.) - is definitely a big plus.

What is not required?

- some super copywriting skills - we can always engage someone with a light pen to help, technical knowledge and creativity are certainly more important.

What the assignment is about:

- Writing tutorial articles, exclusively about JavaScript, mainly about React (but also, for example, about TypeScirpt or other frameworks).

- Recipients of the articles are exclusively other programmers.

- We write about topics related to our product (e.g. filtering data grid, sorting, drag and drop columns, etc.)

- as well as general topics of interest to React developers.

We can set a specific price for a single text (depending on its complexity and development).

However, it will certainly be a salary adequate to the rates of JS programmers, that is attractive.

Type and number of texts:

price per text

Required functions:

Number of characters:

Submitted offers 2

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