Google ADS, Google merchant center, GA4

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    Business Hero 5 deals
    I am looking for a specialist to upload Google Analytics 4 (GA4) using Google Tag Manager. The assignment should include the following: Installation and configuration of GA4: Uploading Google Analytics 4 to the website using Google Tag Manager. Setting up appropriate events and parameters to track key user data. Connecting to Google Search Console: Setting up integration between Google Analytics 4 and Google Search Console to enable analysis of search performance data. Testing and verification: Perform testing to ensure that all data is being collected and reported correctly. Offer support as needed to interpret the collected data and optimize it. Please send me a quote and an estimate of the turnaround time.
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    slwkk 1 deal
    Extended conversions are not working properly. The conversion is the completion of a contract form written in PHP. Additional data from the form such as postal code, country (of the person filling out the form) are not passed to Google Tag Manager. Finally, Google ADs conversions seemingly counts, but there is a warning that 'needs attention' because not everything is collected. I need an expert on Google Tag Manager, ADs, and someone who can clearly communicate to a possibly programmer what to tweak on the form page in PHP to make everything work as it should. Perhaps some reconfiguration in Google Tag Manager is also needed.
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    Google Ads FORESTIAdent Stomatology
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    WPSHU s.c. 4 deals
    Hello, I have a landing page created in The internal integration of the Landing Conventions API only collects the “contact” event after the form submission. I, on the other hand, would like the meta (for the purpose of optimizing my ads) to collect the page view event and not the contact and not through the pixel but just through the CONVERSION API. Please help me with the appropriate configuration. Best Regards Piotr
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    Need to make AtomStore based online store properly integrate with Google ADS and measure conversions correctly. Likewise, I would like to properly measure results in GA4. Store address: The standard configuration of the store through the AtomStore configuration panel does not bring the desired results.
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Poszukuję osoby, która pomoże mi ustawić konwersje zakupowe w google ADS dla sklepu na oprogramowaniu Skyshop oraz sprawdzi/ zoptymalizuje obecne ustawienia kampanii produktowej.

We wszystkich powyższych programach mam potworzone i połączone konta ze sklepem.