Glossary in English - fintech - 156 phrases

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Adrian G2A.COM
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Job description

I'm looking for someone who would prepare definitions in English to 156 phrases from fintech topic. They are supposed to be a Glossary for a website about payments.

Definitions should be short and concise. They should include the most important information only. They can't be copied from other sources. Each definition should be written based on the information you can find.

Please make an offer for the whole thing.

Examples of phrases that need to be defined:

3-D Secure, Arbitration, BIN Bank Identification Number, Billbacks, CVC2/CVV2 (Card Verification Code and Card Verification Value), Cannibalization, Card-not-Present Transactions, Chargeback, Data Breach, Data Security Standard (DSS), EPoS System, End-to-End Encryption, Hosted checkout, Liability shift, Merchant Service Provider (MSP), NFC (Near Field Communications), PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards), Recurring Billing Transaction, SecureCode, Tokenization, Universal Wallet API.