Event Website with CMS Opis po angielsku ponieważ wysyłam zapytanie poza granice. Możemy komunikować się po polsku!

Closed job
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1 deal
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Online shops
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Job description

I am looking for somebody to create a website with sport events.

Users should be able to see the event as the gallery on the main site with short info and pictures and after clicking, full info should be displayed.

Website should also allow users to log in and add their events and manage them in the user panel. Some more details below + attached samples.

Website should be responsive.

Website should allow edition in multiple languages

Cookie agreement politcy

Front End


Space for banner on the top

Newsletter subscription tab

Language choice

Login button

Logout Button

Search tab by category (as attached, on the left side)

Sort by button

Gallery of the events (4 in row - scroll down gallery)

Event site

Event picture

Event category (categories: camp, seminar, tournament)

Event link

Date (separate fields: single date or date scope - from - to)

Option: (gi, no-gi) - can choose both

Location (separate fields: city, country, street, street number)

About the even (plan text - with some friendly edition interface)

Map displaying location (googlemaps plugin)

Contact (separate fields:phone number, email address)

Functions CMS


Users can create account

Users can create events with categories given below

Users can manage (edit or remove) their adds


Admin can confirm or deny event which was created by the user

Admin can manage (edit or remove) their adds

Admin can manage user accounts

Admin doesn't have to confirm the registration

Panel for main page banner edition

Registration confirmation by email

Website translation options for languages of choice

Required functions:

Opis powyżej - do doprecyzowania po wstępnym kontakcie.

Template / individual design:

Opis powyżej - do doprecyzowania po wstępnym kontakcie.