Editing of private films (vacation/travel)

Closed job
Artur Dąbrowski
Artur Dąbrowski
10 deals
Job category:
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Job description

I am looking for an editor to put together short videos of family trips. For example: 3-4 minutes of video edited from 30-40 minutes of uploaded footage.

I care about neat, aesthetic editing, without overdoing it with effects. Example editing style: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAZEE10JWDY&ab_channel=JulienSchoom (the material will be of much lower quality, much more amateurish, but I mean to indicate "artistic direction" ;))

I record videos with a smartphone in 4K resolution, but the target files can be safely converted to 1080p (according to the principle that much better 4K converted to 1080p than recording the output material in 1080p ;)).


- price proposals for a single montage,

- indication of the time needed to assemble one video (more or less),

- links to portfolios (sample edits, preferably from the "travel/holiday" category).

Thank you!

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Type and length:

Film editing (target length: 3-4 minutes)