Editing films - constant cooperation

Closed job
Dominik Szafrański
Dominik Szafrański
4 deals
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Valid until:

Job description


I am looking for someone to permanently cooperate with video editing. I work with clients in various industries - restaurants, gyms, etc. (mainly local businesses)

I will provide materials, e.g. shots showing a gym, and the idea is to assemble it into a 1-2 minute video on social media (cropping, adding subtitles, sometimes some music)

Please provide the rates for this type of assembly. For convenience, you can provide the price range for:

- Assembly 1 minute (up to 10 scenes / min) (straight cut + standard subtitles - graphics)

- 1 minute editing (up to 30 scenes / min) (simple cuts + standard subtitles - graphics)

- Editing 1 minute (from 30 to 50 scenes / min) (dynamic editing - subtitles, animated captions)

Type and length:

editing one video at the beginning + in the future potentially permanent cooperation about 2 films a week