E-commerce specialist on the IdoSell platform

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Recent jobs from category Marketing

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    Natulim 4 deals
    Proposed by freelancer
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    Magda 1 deal
    Looking for salespeople, to sell ventilation systems for fruit and vegetable storage facilities/warehouses/farmers etc. We offer advanced ventilation systems, specially designed for vegetable storage facilities, especially potatoes. Our technology provides optimal conditions for long-term storage of products, maintaining their highest quality. The systems are dedicated to heap/storage or box stores in closed buildings. Equipping the warehouse with such a system will not only achieve a better storage result, but also increase savings on electricity due to intelligent control. Our systems are equipped with a controller with a touch-screen operator panel, which allows full control over the entire process. The system manages ventilation based on preset parameters and continuous monitoring of key indicators, using specially developed algorithms to achieve the best storage results. The system is our proprietary solution. We have the support of a technologist. and much more....
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Expected budget:

3000.00 PLN


Job description

We are looking for an experienced e-commerce specialist who will be responsible for the development of our online store based on the IdoSell platform. We are looking for a person who has extensive knowledge and experience in the e-commerce industry, as well as analytical and technical skills to effectively manage and optimize the store.


-Auditing the online store: Conducting a detailed audit of the current state of the store, identifying areas for improvement and developing optimization strategies.

-Implementation of improvements: Execute actions to improve conversion, functionality and usability of the store, including optimizing the purchase path, improving UX/UI, implementing new features, etc.

-Collaboration with agencies or independent work:

-Collaborate with SEO agency to improve store visibility in search engines.

-Collaborating with Google and Meta ADS (Facebook, Instagram) agencies to optimize advertising campaigns or working independently on these activities.

more to be discussed with the selected candidate