Designing, developing and launching a new website for ŚRH Obroki.

Closed job
Śląski Rynek Hurtowy OBROKI
Śląski Rynek Hurtowy OBROKI
1 deal
Job category:
Web pages
Expected budget:


Valid until:

Job description

Good day,

The subject matter of the order includes services related to designing, developing and launching a website to present information on the operations of Śląski Rynek Hurtowy OBROKI Sp. z o.o.

The purpose of the competition is to select the best proposal for a website presenting the activities of Śląski Rynek Hurtowy OBROKI Sp. z o.o.

The main objective of the website will be:

- Provide basic information: about the company, the history of the brand and the currently running projects,

- presentation of the offer concerning the lease of properties belonging to the company,

- interactive plan of the facility,

- presentation of an offer of retail outlets in the facility,

- presentation of news and events concerning the company's activity.

IMPORTANT: please read the details of the competition in the attachment of this offer!

Required features

1. home page (short presentation of the company's activity, warehouse complexes owned by the company and the company's offer, news, current information); 2. static subpages ("About the company", "Company history", "Management") with the possibility of adding subpages; 3. a slider on the home page for displaying featured content; 4. social media (plug-ins to integrate the company's profiles in social networks: Facebook, YouTube) 5. a "Site Plan" subpage - Interactive site plan based on *SVG files. 6. "Commercial points" subpage - list of all commercial points with offer, company description, photo gallery, contact details. 7) "Projects" subpage - description of ongoing projects together with photo gallery. 8. sub-page "Offer" with a list of available places for rent. (properly configured Wordpress plug-in for these needs). 9. contact form with contact details on the subpage "Contact". 10. the "Report Breakdown" subpage with a form for reporting problems by the company's tenants. 11. information banners published on the home page and/or particular subpages; 12. configuration with Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager (creation of conversion events), connection of Facebook Pixel. 13. "Search" option to filter / search content on the site;

Preferable solution

1. preferred Website Content Management System (CMS) - WordPress; configuration of necessary plugins. 2. Responsive website theme - correct display of content for lower resolution devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.); 3. implementation of security systems and security rules. (installation and configuration of appropriate plugins); 4. content marketing: development of texts for the home page and subpages "about the company", "company history" based on materials provided by the customer 5. installation and configuration of the YOAST SEO plug-in for positioning according to the art; 6. implementation of a plug-in responsible for displaying an interactive site plan in *SVG format. 7. installation of the website on the Purchaser's hosting, connection to the domain; 8. the Contractor shall transfer to the Contracting Authority the proprietary copyrights to the work;