Design of an editable website started in Wordpress, Gutenberg as a daily news service

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Job description

I am requesting a quote for the design of an editable website [started in Wordpress, Gutenberg (there is: domain, hosting, SSL certificate), excess plugins] as a daily news site.

Building on example of page elements below:

Selection of a special theme for a daily news service with, among other things, affiliate program links.

CMS system: content creation/editing.

The site should contain several tabs; the most important one is the news service, divided into four thematic subpages.

Site content: mainly text, also photos and graphics e.g. charts, cartoon humor.

The page contains a set of selected sources with links.

Semi-automatic download of news from the Web: I decide which news the site extracts (automatic selection by URL, source title).

On the page affiliate links / banners.

The site furthermore is/contains, among other things:

- registration in search engines;

- optimization for SEO in search engines; automatic positioning support,

- bilingual: Polish and English,

- responsive website,

- newsletter,

- contact, mailbox,

- categories, tags; clicking on a category opens the linked articles,

- sets of entries: recent and popular articles (according to statistics), archive,

- under the attachment, article: liking, commenting; their statistics, the button "share" to share the article in selected social networks,

- search" field,

- Polish-language Google Analytics visit statistics system,

- cookie information; RODO,

- backup,

- security and other legal requirements.

- Content editing without programming knowledge,

- development of the website in the future.

When applying for the project, please provide references and portfolio and offer with price and completion time.

I am looking for an experienced and creative person.

Preferable solution

WordPress, Gutenberg

Required features

theme for news website, mobile version, optimization, import from the web, affiliate links, bilingual website

Submitted offers 6

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