Customer sales support

Closed job
Stijn Janssen
Stijn Janssen
Job category:
Expected budget:


Preferable skills:

Job description

Technical advice on flue pipes, make technical proposals for chimney pipes, follow up on orders, complaints and requests. Responsible for correct texts on the website, keeping an eye on competition. Assist in defining commercial approach towards professional installers.


• Able to write email in a proper language

• Reasonably experienced with computers

• Sound convincing over the telephone

• Polish mother tongue

• Commercial attitude

• Knowledge of chimney pipes and installation would be nice; but can be learned

• Affinity with technical matters and DIY is required


You should be reachable by phone, mail and chat six days a week between 9:00 AM and 9:00 PM (or at least most of the time during these hours).

Time consumption (few phone calls, emails, chats) :

2024: 30 min average per day (varies per season)

2025: 40 min average per day (varies per season)

2026: 1 h average per day (varies per season)

About us

Nice & Warm BV is a company selling chimney pipes over the internet in 11 European countries. In each country one or more webshops are active.

Informacja od Useme: składanie ofert jest możliwe jedynie w następujących przypadkach:

- posiadania ważnej legitymacji studenckiej (dla uczniów/studentów do 26 r.ż);

- zatrudnieniu na etat za co najmniej minimalne wynagrodzenie;

- posiadania działalności gospodarczej.

Submitted offers 1

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Added: on 2024-08-23