Creating a pivot sheet in libre office

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Data processing
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Job description

The sheet has to store a database of customer orders and assign customers to different groups of customers and then according to these groups assign the order to a particular shipping employee, please use the data on the basis of customer A,B,C,D / product butter, bread, egg, etc....

I need to be able to easily generate a mailing list of customers in a csv file also according to a given group of customers

Please do not accept the order if there are any doubts about the implementation Only libre office Only serious orders, I am interested in a fast turnaround time

DATA is let's assume


customer email, product name, product quantity (there may be several products - I do not know how to solve this), package code, order number, status (shipped, not shipped)

(assigning to a particular shipper on sheet #2 according to filters),


product x / in quantity from 1-20000

product y / in quantity from 1-20000

product z / in quantity from 1-20000


customer email


sender no. 1


sending #3

sending fax no. 4

sending group no. 5


RED CUSTOMER - up to 5 orders of up to 10 quantities, from the 6th order it can be handled by the sender, who will switch it on himself.

YELLOW CUSTOMER - from 6 orders over 10 quantities, i.e. from 60 quantities and 6 orders or from 4 orders when he orders more than 20, i.e. from 80 quantities and 4 orders or assigned by us manually.

green CUSTOMER - from 4 orders over 250 quantities or assigned by us manually

The job in figures:

libre office sheet please ask for a total quote, not hours please ask for pricing only in libre office

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