Creating a contact database on LinkedIn

Closed job
Contacts Generator
Contacts Generator
8 deals
Job category:
Data processing
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Job description

I am looking for someone fluent in English to create a contact database on LinkedIn that meets certain criteria (including company, location and position). They will be people from the South East Asia.

The following steps will be taken:

1. creating a list of companies from south-east Asia (in accordance with the guidelines) - to search for 20-30 companies

2. forwarding the list to the client for verification / acceptance

3. invitation to the group of contacts of people from these companies - about 20 people from each company

4. writing to people who accepted the invitation with a request to indicate the person responsible for the XYZ area in their company - I estimate that 50% of item 3 will accept the invitation

5. invitation to contacts of selected people and writing their data to an Excel file - a total of about 20-30 people

To perform this task, we provide login and password for a dedicated account on LinkedIn. We also offer training before the start of the order.

Submitted offers 19

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