Create hyperlinks for SKUs and images, Import via WooCoimmerce API, Import HTML text for SKUs

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Job description

1 Programmatically create hyperlinks of SKUs with corresponding images, you can use the Python programming language. Here are the general steps you can follow, Here is the sample code:

2. import or match SKUs and their hyperlinks to product images in WooCommerce - use WooCommerce's REST API.

Here's a sample Python code that shows how to import or update product images in WooCommerce using the REST API.

3. use the same approach to upload text to the corresponding SKU, modifying the code to update the product description field instead of uploading images. Here is the example code:

4. the text for the SKUs is in an HTML file, you can extract the relevant text using a Python HTML parser such as Beautiful Soup. Here is an example of how you can extract the text for each SKU from the HTML file:

5. the HTML code does not contain span or class elements for identifying SKUs, you may need to use other methods to identify and extract the relevant text. Here is an example:

Required functions:

Python, WooCommerce API REST, Parser HTML Python - Beautiful Soup.

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