Create a grid based on Arcgis solution with traceability

Closed job
1 deal
Job category:
Desktop/web applications
Expected budget:

350.00 PLN

Valid until:

Job description

I will commission the creation of a grid based on Arcgis solution. The grid should be superimposed on the globe in 3D view and each square

identifiable by individual ID. The number of squares at the maximum approximation must correspond to the surface of the earth, i.e. 510,100,000 km²

In other words: the grid must consist of equal squares or rectangles (conventional at the poles) of 1km2 in a total of 510,100,000 pieces.

It is also crucial to create and assign individual IDs for each square/rectangle of this grid so that the programmer responsible for creating the user panel

could make the link in which the user selects and selects a given square. The grid should scale depending on the view of the globe

(just like on google earth from larger when zoomed out to smaller when zoomed in).

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