Chinese (Mandarin) Website Translation by Native Speaker

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    I am looking for a person who will translate an e-book from Polish into Italian The publication is about 400 pages, 50,481 words, 353,092 characters. There is a lot of information in the e-book, e.g. about medicines, specialized vocabulary, zootechnical knowledge. Thus, the person performing the order must have experience in translating such publications in order to correctly translate the content. I will ask for submissions along with the estimated cost of doing the whole thing.
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Job description

We are looking for an experienced Chinese/Mandarin translator (preferably a native speaker) to help us with the translation of our website. The website has already been translated using AI, but we need it to be checked for correctness and changes made if necessary.

Knowledge of Polish or English is required for communication.

Please send us your proposed rate for the project in your reply.

The language of the text:

Polish-Chinese/Mandarin translation or English-Chinese/Mandarin translation

Type and number of texts:

13 Landing Pages

Number of characters:

Submitted offers 3

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