Job description
I have a proprietary Baselinker integration - AtomStore
Currently it fetches its own inventories. I need to rework the integration so that also to Baselinker from AtomStore are downloaded inventories of external suppliers,-marketing.html
Get products function retrieves product information but only including own inventories
Function getProductQuantities retrieves my state + states of selected suppliers ( here I need the state of 3 suppliers )
As a result it needs the sum of own + suppliers states
In baselinker I currently have products from AtomStore in the form of
- products without variants (sizes)
- products with variants ( sizes )
While the case of stocks without variants is simple
While the case of products with variants is more difficult because in baselinker I should see my own and custom states as
- the sum of all variants in the main product so that I can use the filtering in baselinker and see what is in stock and what I have to display + of course the inventories of individual variants, but this is already during the display.
I know that it will be difficult to price, but I would like to ask for an approximate estimate of the order in the form of an approximate number of hours of work and the rate per 1h.