Automated gaming news, review and compare Steam games, check if your computer can run a particular game.

Closed job
no avatar
Edson Luiz Valois Gomes
2 deals
Job category:
Web pages
Expected budget:

3900.00 PLN

Valid until:

Job description

Software development of the following pages(Mobile and Desktop):

- Requested CMS functionalities.

- Homepage

- About us

- Dashboard

- Review Page

- Product Page

- Compare Page

- Contact Page

Making sure all the request listed on the annex are fulfilled.

Required functions:

Mobile version, Desktop Version, API's for the news section, API's for the major portal reviews, Dashboards, Integration with authoring, design of the database (Steam library and games on the system), Implementation of the "Can you run it" feature. Scores divided by categories.

Template / individual design:

The Mobile and Desktop design are ready, only software development is required. Desktop -> Mobile ->

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