Assistance in the purchase, configuration and administration of the server under programs such as Insert Nexo Pro and other tools of the company

Closed job
1 deal
Job category:
Other IT services
Expected budget:


Preferable skills:
Valid until:

Job description

We are looking for a person to help us choose a server at a good price, configure it and then constantly take care of its correct operation.

At the moment on the server is to be primarily a server for insert Nexo Pro programs and an integrator between the program package type and online stores.

We care about remote access to programs from outside the company's network (can be on a VPN basis, or remote desktops - depending on the recommendation).

At this point we want the server to be as cheap as possible, but with the possibility of further expansion if more programs are added.

Required functions:

Program server Remote access Economical to purchase and use For a server rack

Place or location:


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