Assembly of 12 rolls per month - permanent cooperation

Closed job
Adam Folta Video
Adam Folta Video
Job category:
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Valid until:

Job description

I will order the installation of 12 IG rolls per month - permanent cooperation.

I provide:

1. stock footage,

2. copy + exact guidelines for font color, background and text animation,

3. link to music from Instagram

4. sometimes a roll for inspiration

On your side is left:

1. trim the video,

2. adding copy along with animation of text appearance,

3. adding dynamic transitions between shots.

In the offer I ask for the cost of 12 rolls per month + 2 corrections to each roll.... If you have any portfolio, please send me a link. If not, please provide links to the IG rolls you edit :)

Type and length:

12 rolls per month up to 1 minute in length