ANIMATION- intro + outro of YT channel

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Job description

Below is a description of the intro and outro.

Background music Intro/Outro: Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture (choose an appropriate excerpt for the dynamics of the animation).

Character: Guy Fawkes/film V from the movie V for Vendetta (body size and proportions like Lord Farquaad from Shrek).

Inspirations/Aesthetics/Animation Type:

- Intro of the TV series Bullioners

- Intro of YT channel History without censorship

- Intro of the TVP show Europa da się lubić

Intro duration: 15-20s

Outro duration: 5-7s

The Intro animation is meant to refer to the search for truth. The channel will be dedicated to interviews with experts/entrepreneurs/inspiring people. The aesthetic theme of the channel will be a reference to the movie V for Vendetta and the character of V, here Guy Fawkes.

Intro. The human V moves around the city at night and searches for [truth/inspiration]. He looks into various places, typical of the urban climate [establishments, looks into people's bags, whatever, sewer manholes, picks up a cobblestone and looks for something there, unscrews a hydrant and looks inside-it's supposed to be gently hilarious, parodic, with egg].

Type and length:

Below is a description of the intro and outro. Background music Intro/Outro: Tchaikovsky 1812 Overture (choose an appropriate excerpt for the dynamics of the animation). Character: Guy Fawkes/film V from the movie V for Vendetta (body size and proportions like Lord Farquaad from Shrek). Inspirations/Aesthetics/Animation Type: - Intro of the TV series Bullioners - Intro of YT channel History without censorship - Intro of the TVP show Europa da się lubić Intro duration: 15-20s Outro duration: 5-7s The Intro animation is meant to refer to the search for truth. The channel will be dedicated to interviews with experts/entrepreneurs/inspiring people. The aesthetic theme of the channel will be a reference to the movie V for Vendetta and the character of V, here Guy Fawkes. Intro. The human V moves around the city at night and searches for [truth/inspiration]. He looks into various places, typical of the urban climate [establishments, looks into people's bags, whatever, sewer manholes, picks up a cobblestone and looks for something there, unscrews a hydrant and looks inside-it's supposed to be gently hilarious, parodic, with egg].