An IT solution for creating financial reports based on a database

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Other IT services
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Job description

Good morning,

I run a company associating several e-commerce stores based on the Shopify engine. I am looking for a person or team specializing in databases. The commissioned project aims to simplify and automate the monthly process of preparing financial reports for each store. We want the project to be divided into 4 stages thanks to which it will be able to comprehensively implement an IT solution.


1. Audit aimed at determining all functionalities of the system

2. Development of a solution based on a database

3. System implementation

4. Training aimed at preparing the staff to use the system

The system should be compatible with the Mac OS operating system.

I would ask for a separate valuation of each of the individual stages of the projects.

Required functions:

- Import selected data from a .csv file - Downloading archived exchange rates - Preparation of statements based on given queries

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