Adding some features to a site on WordPress

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Job description


I am looking for someone who is able to introduce some solutions to (the website uses the Jnews theme). Permanent cooperation is possible, but I warn you in advance that it is rather for small things, because at the moment I am not able to spend large amounts of money at once.

Namely, I mean that:

1) it is possible to search for series (e.g. Currently, the search results can only find entries, and it is the series that are most important here.

2) in particular entries (actually chapters) there should be navigation to the previous and next entry (chapter) in the series and a link to the series subpage.

Please give me a quote for this work. And additionally in the body of the message I would also ask for a separate quote for adding the following features:

1) When you click on the thumbnail of a series, it displays a tab with the author, reading time, category, number of chapters published, description and a button to open the series.

2) A personalized badge (text alone) can be added to each series, which displays next to the series title.

3) A reader can select a piece of text and share it as a quote, which, along with information about the post it came from and its author, embeds itself in a subpage that aggregates all quotes (you can use plugins, I don't care about a dedicated solution for now).

Preferable solution


Required features

1. search by serial number. 2. navigation through the chapters of a series and a link to its main subpage.