Job description
Hi, we need to add simple products to the wholesaler.
Our supplier has an application where he adds new products.
The task is :
1.Entering the app on your phone in the designated category.
2.Click on the picture.
3.Taking a screen shot of that photo.
4.Clipping the screen shot.
5.Alternatively, if there is a vendor logo, then blur that logo in simple white or blur it (basic photo editor on the phone). A simple amateur thing without perfect fondling ;)
So at once make yourself about 50 screenshots
Entering woocomerce:
1.Uploading all those photos.
2.Duplicating a product from a category.
3.Adding a photo from the media library.
4.Adding a simple title from what we see, e.g. dinosaur gun
8.Rewriting the price
9.Rewriting the SKU
10.Rewriting the minimum quantity
11.Rewriting the number in the package.
After adding some batch of products: Select these products and edit the price *established margin such as 20%.
If there is no category then you need to create one. Or if it fits several then click sometimes some additional category.