Acquiring leads for websites

Closed job
Agencja Reklamowa Kapuscinscy
Agencja Reklamowa Kapuscinscy
Job category:
Expected budget:

500.00 PLN


Job description

Offers cooperation in acquiring customers for websites. You acquire a client I build a website. It has a ready offer for the client:!AsXEujEx-v0IhbJIFnmPPCdjB3Ww9A?e=Nvbjvk

and an instructional video:

I have all the necessary contracts needed to conclude a contract with the client, settlement after the client's payment. I provide substantive support. The company offers other services in the field of marketing.

Required features

Jest możliwość przyuczenia tworzenia stron www za płatnym szkoleniem

Preferable solution

Wyszukujesz kontakty poprzez fb znajomych, bazy firm, telefoniczne itp

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