
How to hire Romanian freelancers

How to hire Romanian freelancers

Ready to hire freelancers or contractors from Romania? This article covers all you need to know about working with Romanian freelancers. Of course, we also include a simple way to hire them.

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Cum se utilizează Useme?

Cum se utilizează Useme?

Am pregătit o scurtă instrucțiune în limba română despre cum să utilizezi serviciul nostru. Sperăm că în acest mod vei avea o experiență mai plăcută! În atașamente vei găsi două fișiere: Înregistrare – pas cu pas Cum semnezi contractul și cum trimiți o factura fiscală prin intermediul Useme

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Best places for workation in Romania

Best places for workation in Romania

Romania is a wrongfully underrated country of breathtaking beauty. It has pretty low tourist numbers compared to other EU countries, but that’s only more reason to visit. Here are the best places for workation, spending some time as a digital nomad, or even moving. Thanks to the views from your window and plenty of free time activities, work will feel like leisure there.

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Taxes for freelancers in Romania

Taxes for freelancers in Romania

In this article, we discuss the legal and tax environment of Romania from the perspective of a remote employee. The latter is understood as a co-worker who is not bound by an employment contract with his/her employer.

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