Sending Gravity Forms via Zapier to Bitrix24

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Job description

The quote concerns a problem with the integration of a form created in Gravity Forms, which is being transferred to Bitrix24 using Zapier.

The form involves entering contact information for individuals, which should be used to create a deal in Bitrix24. The form allows for a maximum of 10 individuals to be entered.

The issue is that currently, when adding one person to the form, 10 deals are being created instead of just one. When two individuals are entered, two deals should be created (one deal per person), and so on. The problem lies in the fact that regardless of the number of individuals entered, 10 deals are always being created upon form submission.

Preferable solution

Bitrix24, Gravity Forms, Zapier

Required features

Bitrix24, Gravity Forms, Zapier

Submitted offers 3

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