Freelancing without your own business? It’s possible!


11 September 2023
Did you know that Google employs 54% more contractors than full-time employees? Read our article to see how freelancing without your own business works.

Did you know that Google employs 54% more contractors than full-time employees

In today’s fluid global economy, freelancing is gaining momentum as a more practical answer for individuals and businesses. This shift toward this type of work brings along lower costs, more diversity of clients, and flexible working conditions. It’s not just startups that benefit – even large corporations are tapping freelancers for tasks ranging from content creation to expert consulting.

Logically, it seems that a freelance career is the simplest and least restrictive method to earn a living. They typically make money for their unique abilities in programming, writing, graphic design, and more. But with the appeal of freelancing’s self-directed schedules and independence comes the need for savvy management and administrative tasks – or so it seems. 

A great deal of professionals fear going down the freelancing road because they think they need to open up their own company to do so. Your company involves the most significant costs, taxes, and scale of operations. But this is not the case! Freelancing without your own business is possible in many countries – it is all a matter of the approach you are going to take and the tools you will use. If we’ve caught your attention, keep reading to learn more. 

freelancing without your own business its possible 1 Freelancing without your own business? It's possible!

The World of Freelance Business

Freelancing, often considered the epitome of flexibility and self-reliance, allows you to showcase your expertise and grow your portfolio thanks to clients from all around the world. This way of working has been adopted by people seeking a more liberated form of making ends meet. Freelancers span industries like accounting, marketing, IT, therapy, HR and recruiting, real estate, and more. The autonomy to work from any corner of the globe adds to its appeal.

Yet, amidst the allure, you may have plenty of questions about the legal and financial aspects. Does freelancing require formal business registration? How do taxes come into play? What is the optimal way to go about freelancing to ensure a hassle-free journey? Let’s take a look into these inquiries and understand how freelancing without your own small business is not only feasible but also beneficial.

Sole Entrepreneurs, LLCs and Personal Assets

We need to start by explaining a few core terms. A freelancer is a self-employed person and excludes any formally recognized corporate structure, such as registering a company. Freelancers make a living from the individual services they provide for various clients. Minor income that does not reach a certain amount (which varies from country to country) is not considered genuine income that must be reported and taxed.

On the other hand, if your pay exceeds that limit, you’d need to pay taxes in one way or another. You can form a sole entrepreneur, which is a legally recognized business entity of one person registered to provide services. This distinction makes it possible for freelancers to enjoy benefits like low taxation and simplified accounting. At the same time, you have personal liability for your services if you run a sole proprietorship. This implies that you are personally accountable if your freelancing business is sued or declares bankruptcy. 

There is also the possibility of a limited liability company. This is a business structure that allows you to separate your personal assets from your business assets and get legal protection from debt or legal problems. Your personal assets aren’t at risk if your LLC is sued. In addition, your company’s financial institutions cannot pursue you.

Regardless of which route you choose, keep in mind that profits from freelancing have tax implications. Tax rates vary depending on location and business structure. By looking for countries with favorable tax regimes, you can minimize your tax burden while complying with the law.

freelancing without your own business its possible 2 Freelancing without your own business? It's possible!

How to Freelance without Having a Company? 

Okay, having the explanations out of the way, let’s give you some examples of how to navigate freelancing without registering as a sole proprietor or other legal business entity. 

Agency on Pay As You Earn model

You can decide to work with agencies that adopt a PAYE system, which ensures a regular salary, employment benefits, and tax management. In this approach, you get paid on a regular basis for your freelancing gigs for different clients and you are directly hired by the agency. This offers security but restricts your autonomy over the type and scope of orders.

Umbrella Companies

Collaborating with umbrella companies means you shift administrative tasks such as taxes or invoicing to the company and get perks such as health insurance or paid days off. As a freelancer, you get some control over administrative fees, but the employer charges you for the support and you in turn receive fewer earnings. 

Online Freelancing Platforms

You have the option to join one of the most effective networks of freelance professionals and clients when you choose to create a profile on an online freelancing platform like Useme. You save yourself the hassle of having to set up a business, register for a certain classification, and deal with taxes. Additionally, you can select your own clients and projects as you expand your clientele. 

Freelance without Any Worries with Useme

What else can Useme offer you? As a freelancer, you may rely on our platform to ensure prompt payment for your services. Escrow services provided by the website prevent payment delays by holding funds until the task is finished, and all parties are content.

The intuitive layout of the platform makes it easy to manage all your projects, contracts, and payments in one location. Because clients have been vetted and certified by the platform, you can approach them with trust. Everything is contractually secured and the platform takes care of any potential conflicts.

If you do not want to worry about opening your own company, and you need a reliable, secure freelance income, while maintaining autonomy in projects and clients, freelancing with the Useme platform seems to be the best option.


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