5 financial wellness tips for freelancers


5 March 2024
Freelancing isn't just a job, it's a lifestyle choice that offers freedom and flexibility. But with great freedom comes great responsibility, especially when managing your money. That's why understanding financial wellness is key to surviving and thriving in the freelance world and achieving your financial goals.

Whether starting or looking to level up your freelance game, these 5 financial well-being tips are your roadmap to a healthier financial future. Let’s jump in and see how to make freelancing rewarding and successful, always focusing on your financial goals.

What exactly is financial well-being for a freelancer?

Let’s talk about what financial well-being means when you are a freelancer. It’s all about getting smart with your money, planning well, and ensuring you have enough cash to enjoy life and handle emergencies.

Imagine your budget as a pie. You’ve got to slice it up wisely. Here’s a simple way to do it:

  • half of your pie goes to the must-haves like rent and groceries,
  • 30% to the nice-to-haves like movies or eating out,
  • 20% is for emergency savings and protecting your golden years.

But it’s not just about sticking to these slices. It’s about understanding where the money goes, including how your spending habits impact your credit report. You might be surprised how the little things add up. Keeping an eye on your spending can help you find ways to save without feeling like you’re missing out.

Since income can swing up and down, having a cushion for slower months and unexpected bills is crucial. It’s also smart to think ahead about insurance and taking breaks without stressing about money.

Now that you’ve got a grip on what financial well-being looks like, let’s dive into some concrete steps you can take to secure that stability and growth.

Tip 1 – optimizing your freelance financial situation

The most important thing to improve your financial goals as a freelancer is to get a crystal clear picture of your income and expenses.

So, how do you keep track of it all? Try to collect this data in one place.

Whether you’re a fan of Excel, apps, or old-school pen and paper, the key is to find what works for you. Writing down what you spend and earn helps you see the big picture and make smarter choices.

But what exactly should you be tracking to ensure your financial wellness is on point?

Key parts of freelance financial wellness tracking

Incomes are straightforward – they’re what you earn from clients. However, expenses can be more variable, encompassing essentials like:

  • IT equipment and office supplies (or the office itself, if you rent a place in a coworking space),
  • software and hosting if you have a business website,
  • subscriptions to online tools and platforms,
  • Internet connection,
  • accounting assistance if you run a company,
  • health and social insurance,
  • travel expenses.

Your costs will vary based on how big your freelance business is and what kind it is. Remember, it’s okay if your costs are different from other freelancers. What matters is how you manage and analyze these costs to keep your business healthy.

How does checking your earnings and costs boost your work?

Keeping an eye on your earnings and spending gives you a clear insight into your financial health. Adjust how often you do this if your earnings or expenses change to improve your cash flow.

Checking your finances carefully does much more than just following where your money goes. It helps you:

  • find projects that don’t make you enough money and might not be worth your time,
  • find ways to save by cutting down or cutting out things you don’t need.

This method keeps your cash flow in good shape and leads you to make wise decisions that strengthen your freelance business and financial stability.

 Tip 2 – creating your financial buffer

Are you wondering if you should save money for hard times in the future or spend it on yourself now? Everyone has opinions, but we recommend freelancers be careful with their money and avoid credit card debt. It’s wise to save enough to live on for at least three months without income.

Get ready for taxes

You might have to deal with taxes later, depending on your location. Remember to track all your expenses to lower your tax bill by claiming deductions. With fluctuating earnings, including your savings in your financial planning is key.

Setting aside cash in an emergency fund

When money is tight, it can be stressful and make your work suffer. To help with this, put some of your monthly earnings into an emergency fund. After you’ve saved up for three months, think about whether you want to save more, invest it, or use it for things you want, like a vacation.

Having a separate bank account for your work money is smart. Only move the money you need for everyday things into your personal account. This helps you monitor your spending and lets your savings grow every time you get paid.

Try to boost your savings

Saving can be tough, but try to spend less where you can. Reduce spending on stuff you don’t really need to build up your safety net. This way, you’ll save more money and make your money matters more secure. It helps you worry less and concentrate more on your work.

Tip 3 – Making your money grow with smart time planning

When you freelance, being your own boss means you’ve got the freedom and the big job of managing yourself. To do well with money as a freelancer, you must plan your time well. This way, you end up making more money.

Essential time tracking for financial freedom

Keeping an eye on how many hours you work is important to reach financial independence. Working too much can wear out your mind, and not working enough can mess with your financial goals and safety.

Using tools to track your time is a smart way to make better money choices. This helps you earn more effectively and boost your overall financial situation by being more productive.

Mastering your schedule for better financial wellness

Here’s how you can get better at managing your time to improve your financial situation:

  • Find your best work times – figure out when you’re in the zone and doing your best. Planning your work around these times can help you do more in less time, which is great for your financial wellness because it means you can earn money.
  • Make to-do lists – using lists helps a lot with your financial well-being. They ensure you remember to do everything important for managing your money and planning your finances. This way, you can focus on things that help you meet your money goals, like cutting down on costs or learning more about handling your finances.
  • Take breaks – taking short breaks from time to time is good for your body and mind. This helps you stay focused and productive. This is important for keeping financial goals in good shape and achieving savings goals.

Using time-tracking for financial planning

Another great tip for boosting financial wellness is organizing your tasks in time-tracking apps. This organization can highlight areas needing financial education, reveal opportunities for spending money more wisely, or indicate the need for a revised financial plan.

By understanding where your time goes, you can make informed decisions that align with your financial priorities and long-term goals for financial security and freedom.

Using these tips to manage your time better can boost your productivity. It’s a crucial part of your strategy for achieving and maintaining financial wellness, ensuring you’re on the path to financial freedom and happiness.

Tip 4 – Take care of sensible payment terms

Setting the right prices is a big step toward making more funds and growing as a freelancer. Knowing how much you need to charge can be difficult. But keeping an eye on your credit report can provide insights into your financial health, influencing your pricing strategy.

These simple hints will help you figure it out:

  • Check out what others in your field charge to get an idea of normal rates;
  • Pay attention to your client’s needs to see what they like and how you can make your work even more valuable to them;
  • Get better at what you do by learning more and picking up new skills.

Raising your prices from time to time is essential for your financial wellness. Remember, your work is worth a lot, but it’s also important to ensure your work’s quality is worth what you’re asking for.

Strive to be outstanding in your work, dependable in keeping your word, and thoughtful in treating your clients.

How do you negotiate rates to your benefit?

When it’s time to talk about higher prices with your clients, here’s a good way to convince them:

  • Tell them about the good things about hiring a skilled freelancer like you. Be clear about the real results they will see instead of just making big promises.
  • Discuss how paying for your top-notch service can improve their business, highlighting the risks of purchasing something cheaper.
  • Be honest about your costs. Make it clear that the higher price of your services means higher quality. Give specific reasons for how your client benefits from this. For example, you invest in expanding your skills, which leads to better quality work, or you complete your work faster. Maybe the way you present materials is more convenient for the client because you use special software or apps.
  • Offer different choices. Give them options to fit what they can spend, but show them why the pricier option is worth it for achieving financial wellness in their business.

To stay on good terms with your clients, tell them about the price changes ahead of time. If you can, slowly bring in the new prices to keep things smooth in your financial life and not upset your income.

Remember – the balance between cost and quality is key in freelancing. The quality of your work will prove your rates are fair, helping you achieve financial wellness and implementing a debt reduction strategy in your personal finance.

Tip 5 – use financial services for freelancers’ to better financial planning ahead

If you’re a freelancer, you can start a business to bill your clients. But setting up a business means dealing with extra costs that can affect how much money you have available. What do you need to manage your own business as a freelancer?

The challenge of running your own business

When you run your business by yourself, you must follow the rules for taxes and insurance where you live.

Plus, you might need to hire someone to manage your accounts. Keeping track of all the rules and tax stuff takes a lot of time and can be stressful. This is extra hard for freelancers just starting without steady money or for those freelancing on the side for extra cash. 

It’s a big job, especially if you like being free and want to make good money. Doing this well can keep you away from debts, which is super essential for keeping your financial well-being.

On top of that, it’s wise to have some emergency savings set aside. That way, you won’t be surprised if you encounter unexpected tax expenses.

A simple way to invoice clients

The good news is that you can send invoices to your clients without setting up a formal business. This is legal, easy to do, and helps you keep a good cash flow.

 Many freelancers from all over the world are turning to Useme, and you might find it super helpful. It’s a platform that simplifies things for freelancers. You can sign contracts with your clients online and bill them for your work, no matter where they are.

Using a service like Useme is excellent for two reasons. First, you can bill your clients without the extra costs of having a business. Second, it protects you and your client with a contract. The client pays upfront, keeping the money safe until you finish the work. Then, it’s sent to you immediately.

Building your financial future as a freelancer

Let’s nail this down one more time! As a freelancer, it’s all about finding that spot between what you need right now and your big plans for your financial future. Feeling in control of your finances? That’s pretty empowering!

Jumping into these financial wellness tips is like setting the stage for a thrilling freelancing journey. Always remember, achieving financial wellness isn’t a quick race; it’s a long and rewarding expedition.

It’s about making those wise financial moves today that set you up for a brighter financial future and constantly seeking financial education to make even better decisions tomorrow.

So, here’s to making those savvy financial choices and deepening your financial education. You’re not just dreaming about a better future, but laying down the tracks to get there. Cheers to your financial wellness and all the success it brings!

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