Nie wiem gdzie tego szukać/prosić o pomoc, więc próbuję tutaj. Poszukuję czegoś jak Cloud Storage + File Manager plików z zaawansowanym tagowaniem i wyszukiwaniem, do którego mógłby mieć łatwy dostęp wszyscy. Do tej pory najbliżej znalazłem coś...
Dive into a dynamic world of remote web application developer jobs, a hub where freelancers thrive in crafting innovative digital solutions. This category showcases opportunities for skilled individuals to work on diverse projects, enjoying the flexibility and freedom that Useme offers. Find your next challenge here, where cutting-edge web app development meets the gig economy.
Nie wiem gdzie tego szukać/prosić o pomoc, więc próbuję tutaj. Poszukuję czegoś jak Cloud Storage + File Manager plików z zaawansowanym tagowaniem i wyszukiwaniem, do którego mógłby mieć łatwy dostęp wszyscy. Do tej pory najbliżej znalazłem coś...
We are seeking a skilled and passionate Healthcare/Telemedicine Platform Developer to join our team. The ideal candidate will be responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining our telemedicine platform, ensuring it meets the highest...
We are in the process of implementing an innovative web project in the financial industry, for which we are looking for a capable and experienced programmer. The project is based on ready-made templates created in Webflow, and there are key...
The modification is to implement an additional payment system, currently there are coded foreign payment systems, and here you need to implement the entire payment mechanism using TPAY/TRANSFERUj and/or PRZELEWY24. A contractor with experience...
A simple order form as in the example: is to take an order and be available in several languages. AI and any modules can be used. It is supposed to...
Hi everyone Look at a WooCommerce website it was a quite new provided by a developer few months ago. It works in production mode, but optimization are not finished properly. I'm looking for someone who is able to find...
Dzień dobry! Poszukuję programisty php do rozwoju portalu joomla. Prace z doskoku. Chętnie na dłużej. Do poprawy skrypt php.
Good day I am looking for a company with experience that will create a smoothly working and secure software ( web application ) to manage a transport and forwarding company The main modules of the system: 1. customer database 1.1 Customer file...
I need to make an iframe for a comparison of financial offers (credit, deposit, personal account) I am looking for a person to create an iframe that works as a comparison of credit offers and savings accounts with the possibility of...
Looking for PHP programmer with experience, for casual hourly work, to help with website
I order to write a plug-in for chrome and firefox. The task of the plugin is to check from the database after the API whether the customer is on page X and if we detect on the page that the customer is on the page with the contact appears to him...
Hey, looking for a developer to create a simple web application with the following functionality: 1. user login and registration system 2. survey form for collecting user data (4 questions) 3. a module for adding the results of standards...
We are looking for a person to help us control Outlook, Teams, Office, email inboxes.
Good day , we are looking for a person who will customize the software , possibly propose something more favorable. 4 customer service points, 4 operators SALES Invoices, adjustments, receipts, take off payments from...
We are looking for a specialist to create an interactive dashboard in SharePoint, which will act as a central place of knowledge sharing for our team. The dashboard is to provide quick and intuitive access to knowledge resources, documents and...
I am looking for an experienced developer to update the Braintree SDK on my existing Laravel/PHP based website. The Braintree API is already integrated and working, but I need a comprehensive SDK update to make features like 3D Secure fully...
Web object-oriented application, originally made in PHP 5 converted to 7.3. Now conversion to the latest version such as 8.3 is needed.
JS + PHP/HTML script for displaying shorts (short videos). Need code snippets (without integration issues) responsible for: displaying in HTML/CSS structure the videos located on the server. Database structure simple - filename, caption,...
The scope of the order is 3h of work to make changes to a dedicated online store. Work to be done in terms of front and backend. Dedicated store in MVC technology + dedicated CMS. Assignment plan: discussion of change needs initial pricing...
I am looking for a contractor for a simple web panel in which we add a customer Customer details, address, phone ora date of inspection and date of next inspection 1-2 months before the end of the inspection the customer will receive an...