Android application to operate a beauty salon

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Job description

I will commission the development of an android application for the operation of a body modeling studio on a phone/tablet. The application must have an administrative part and a part for the client.

The administrative part (operation on a tablet):

- Adding/editing/deleting/viewing clients (Name, surname, email, phone_number);

- Adding/editing/deleting/viewing treatments (including treatment name, description, contraindications, duration);

- Adding/editing/deleting forms/questionnaires to be filled out before treatments (multiple choice fields, text fields, stylus signature field);

- Linking treatment questionnaires to specific treatments;

- Completing/reviewing treatment cards (with on-screen signing by the client);

- Tracking the client's progress (e.g., Adding/Deleting photos, Adding/Deleting/Editing dimensions of specific body parts, Downloading additional data from the database[e.g., weight, BMI, body fat, etc.]);

- Adding/editing/deleting post-treatment recommendations to a given client;

- Adding/editing/deleting vouchers/promotions for a given client/group of clients;

- Viewing the treatment history of clients;

- Creating a treatment/training plan;

Required functions:

Everything in the description. If you have additional questions - please contact me through useme.

Operating system:

Android, iOS.