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Having an Agent of Record means working with a peace of mind. Your international collaborations are secure, compliant, and straightforward. Check how we do it:

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I am looking for a person/company for permanent cooperation on a new foodsie project. The project is to be based on the platform and is divided into 3 stages. The first is to prepare the cards: - home page with customer offers, - sub-page of customer offers, - sub-page with contact details of the customer of the offers data - login for the client, - customer's addition of offers and their editing + customer's contact details Key: search engine by tags, location, ease of use, simple workflow. 2 stage automation + AI 3 stage going beyond PL I am looking for a person/company with experience in Bubble, with whom I will establish permanent cooperation due to the extensive scope of the project. Modular (per task).
I will commission 3 banners (ads) animated so that they adapt to the screen resolution.
For an individual only. Tasks: - PHP + MySQL backend corrections of the author's script - JS, HTML, CSS frontend corrections - addition of OAuth ('Continue through Facebook') Application made without frameworks. I require a confidentiality agreement, a guarantee of completion of the task before sharing the source code and the opportunity to learn about past achievements certifying competence; homepage with a gallery of completed applications, GitHub repository, etc. Skills: web application of useme complexity written from scratch, without frameworks.
We are seeking a skilled Buzz Marketing specialist to lead a campaign aimed at boosting awareness and engagemen for our medical travel services in the UK market.
I am looking for a graphic designer, to refresh the banner on YT, the banner for the fanpage on FB. For this I need to come up with some standout cover scheme for reels + matching profile picture.
I am looking for a translator. Polish, English, Spanish, level C1 and above. Ukrainian will be an additional advantage.
The task is to liquidate a Polish company. The main responsibilities of this role include preparing and submitting the necessary paperwork, ensuring compliance with tax and legal requirements, and handling the final financial transactions. Notification from Useme: submission of offers is only possible if you: - have a valid school or student ID card (students up to the age of 26) - have a signed statement certifying you have an employment contract for at least minimum wage - you are self-employed
We are a rapidly growing company looking for a graphic design student to work with us on a permanent basis in preparing promotional materials. Our needs include the design of flyers, brochures, vouchers, posters, business cards, as well as billboards. We are looking for a person who: a. Is looking for extra work and wants to develop his/her skills in practical projects. b. Is creative and open to new challenges. c. Completes assignments in a timely manner, ensuring the high quality of her work. e. Has a flair for sales and is able to prepare offers that reach different audiences We offer: a. Permanent cooperation in various projects. b. Flexibility in terms of working hours - we realise that you are a student. c. Salary commensurate with your skills and commitment to projects. If you are interested, please send us a salary proposal and a portfolio with your work. Join our team and use your creativity and passion for graphic design by working on real projects that will make a difference to our brand!
Hello, I am looking for a skilled graphic designer , who will train me two employees . Subject: creating thumbnails under allegro , compatible in allegro standard and in accordance with the rules and regulations . The idea is to create specific graphics and thumbnails like they are on these allegro auctions : Also attached I am sending sample graphics . Graphic programs that we have is Canva or we can buy another program . Please apply from people who can create such graphics , Before selecting a trainer we will need samples of graphics , whether the trainer can actually create such graphics , so that he could train our employees in the performance of such graphics . Best Regards
I am looking for a person/company for permanent cooperation on a new foodsie project. The project is to be based on the platform and is divided into 3 stages. The first is to prepare the cards: - home page with customer offers, - sub-page of customer offers, - sub-page with contact details of the customer of the offers data - login for the client, - customer's addition of offers and their editing + customer's contact details Key: search engine by tags, location, ease of use, simple workflow. 2 stage automation + AI 3 stage going beyond PL I am looking for a person/company with experience in Bubble, with whom I will establish permanent cooperation due to the extensive scope of the project. Modular (per task).
We need a product configurator like the one on It is important to use as little or no code there as possible. Urgent matter
Hi, we need to add simple products to the wholesaler. Our supplier has an application where he adds new products. The task is : 1.Entering the app on your phone in the designated category. 2.Click on the picture. 3.Taking a screen shot of that photo. 4.Clipping the screen shot. 5.Alternatively, if there is a vendor logo, then blur that logo in simple white or blur it (basic photo editor on the phone). A simple amateur thing without perfect fondling ;) So at once make yourself about 50 screenshots Then: Entering woocomerce: 1.Uploading all those photos. 2.Duplicating a product from a category. 3.Adding a photo from the media library. 4.Adding a simple title from what we see, e.g. dinosaur gun 8.Rewriting the price 9.Rewriting the SKU 10.Rewriting the minimum quantity 11.Rewriting the number in the package. After adding some batch of products: Select these products and edit the price *established margin such as 20%. If there is no category then you need to create one. Or if it fits several then click sometimes some additional category.
We have Drupal, which was created before 2018 and is an activation service for one of our products. This product installs on Windows and on first startup it contacts this Drupal via http address, loading a registration or login form frame from Drupal. User management is based on the Drupal database. The site works without errors when set to php5.6. Changing to 7.0 generates small error messages, but functionality is preserved. When changing to 7.2 there are already such messages: Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in menu_set_active_trail() We are currently working on php7.0 version. The site recently went viral, but we managed to delete the problematic files. it is now functioning properly. However, the scanners still show the presence of the virus. The site is added to Installatron and regular copies are made. In case of failure when trying to upgrade, it will be possible to o undo the changes.
As an interactive agency, we are looking for a freelancer with 2 years of experience to create online stores based on CMS PrestaShop on the basis of ready-made graphic designs in Figma.
I am looking for an API specialist who can correctly write a query to baselinker API in apipheny extension to google sheets. I have a query that works correctly in postman, both in raw and urlencoded format, in apipheny application it does not work.
As above in the title, in addition, I am looking for a person in the same area to work on the store on
We are looking for a FREELANCER (agencies thank you) for permanent cooperation (whitelabel) for web and store development (mainly Wordpress/WooCommerce). We would ask for a general quote: - one-page business card website - typical company website, up to 5 subpages - online store
For an individual only. Tasks: - PHP + MySQL backend corrections of the author's script - JS, HTML, CSS frontend corrections - addition of OAuth ('Continue through Facebook') Application made without frameworks. I require a confidentiality agreement, a guarantee of completion of the task before sharing the source code and the opportunity to learn about past achievements certifying competence; homepage with a gallery of completed applications, GitHub repository, etc. Skills: web application of useme complexity written from scratch, without frameworks.
We will commission the design and implementation of an application to facilitate the tracking of sales quotas with the option to issue bills and simple invoices. Functionalities: 1. creation of the website together with the PWA application for smartphones 2. cost and sales records 3. product and service catalogue - user input possible so that invoices/bills can be issued more efficiently, 4. customer catalogue with automatic retrieval of customer data from the CSO by NIP number 5. invoice generation and sending by e-mail and export to JPK. 6. limit tracking on the basis of sales records and costs calculated on the basis of downloaded latest data from the CSO - limit bar. 7. payment module for use of the application We do not respond to offers with an hourly rate.
I'm looking for an experienced freelancer for the day-to-day administration and further expansion with more features of a simple application (about 5 MB) placing last-minute bids, so called auction sniper. The site is written in Laravel + MySQL, will be used for personal, private purposes, without making it available to the public. The application has passed positive functional tests in its current form and can be implemented and expanded. As part of the offer of cooperation, I would like to use the application placed on the server of the person who will do the day-to-day administration,
coding and programming HTML, CSS, JavaScript (PHP8, MySQL, jQuery, SASS, JSON, GIT, npm), transferring requirements/design into working, functional code (including RWD - responsive web design), implementation of UX/UI-related improvements, finding and correcting UX/UI errors, collaborating on the development of new functionalities, cooperation with the backend programmer and designers responsible for the website's appearance, ongoing development and keeping up to date with new technologies.
As in the topic. I'm looking for someone who has the time and will implement this to my store fairly quickly because since this week we have had some attacks that shut down the store for a short time, but still.
I am looking for a specialist to carry out an assignment to create a parser. The parser will be responsible for mapping 1 to 1 information from the website:,2,3&calType=week&timeZone=15&lang=1&columns=exc_currency,exc_importance&importance=1,2,3&calType=week&timeZone=15&lang=1 It is important that the labels, i.e. the information that appears when you hover your mouse over the bull icons, be mapped as well.
Zatrudnię doświadczonego programistę do stworzenia aplikacji mobilnej do zarządzania treściami multimedialnych. Projekt długoterminowy realizowany w zespole. Aby dowiedzieć się więcej o projekcie, wymagana jest umowa o zachowaniu poufności.
Hello, At the first stage to advise the best direction for the program (application, website, program) and technical capabilities. Consulting by online connection (presentation of the program - requirements)- I assume that with a lot of experience of a specialist, 1h is enough. The calculation program is based on simple relationships with a large number of variables. Currently created in excel spreadsheet. At the end generating charts and report. It takes a person with experience in each solution to choose the right direction of the project from the beginning. Best Regards, Paul.
I would like to write a simple program which retrieves e-mails on the basis of based on Google searches. I.e. on the basis of keywords.txt file searches the first thousand results under a given phrase, and then accesses these pages collecting all the e-mails contained therein (it only needs to enter the main page and main subpages, without a deep search). It then dumps them into a file maile.txt Please let me know your price and completion date.
I am looking for a graphic designer, to refresh the banner on YT, the banner for the fanpage on FB. For this I need to come up with some standout cover scheme for reels + matching profile picture.
I will order visualization of upholstered furniture possible longer cooperation, creating models and visualizations both on a white background and interiors
Hi, Looking for a person who will prepare proposals for the development of the plot functionally + architecture of the house about 120 m2 + attic in the style of a modern barn. Plot rectangle approx. 22 x 45m. 30% development. Please send a portfolio and a quote.
We are a brand that connects architects with investors. An investor in this context is a person who wants to furnish a house, premises, garden, etc. -the ability to create an architect's profile, where they can post their portfolio, list of services, opinion and information about the company -the ability to create an investor's account, where they can add architects to their favorites and track project progress -chat between the architect and the investor -notes -creating a shopping list -creating schedules and surveys -the ability to share files What we are interested in for this announcement is to systematize the graphic system we currently have and turn them into a brand book, in which we would need the following -specification of the logo (the logo already exists, but we are open to any suggestions and modifications) -definition of the brand colors -fonts -prepare some templates for posts on Instagram
Hello, looking for a person for permanent cooperation to create graphics (one pager) on social media (instagram, fb), real estate theme.
Hello, I am looking for a person who does 3D graphics (renders, modeling, light setups, etc.).
We are looking for a person to join our team who can design garden architecture is about projects of such structures as wooden pergolas, wooden sheds, tool sheds, modern garden gazebos, etc. for each idea we will additionally reward. We have no restrictions when it comes to accepting projects. We care about the technical design, as well as visualization. We invite you to cooperate with us.
To design in Figma graphic designs of the site in the phone view first, and then the computer view for: - homepage - about us - list of doctors - doctor details - list of treatments The price should include making comments/suggestions after reviewing the presented design. Two sets of comments for the home page and one set of comments for each of the other graphic views. The site will be developed in Polish. The site will be coded later on Wordpress using the standard Gutenberg editor. So experience and knowledge of the capabilities of this editor are welcome. Attached to the order is a detailed description of what should be included in each view, color suggestion, sample page that the client likes, and other necessary guidelines for effective implementation of the order. And also the schedule of work. Feel free to cooperate and contact us with any questions.
We need to create graphics for the site, its AI-generated mockup is attached. The site is about B2B cooperation between our company and other entities. The graphics must be of high quality and will become the focal point symbolizing the B2B cooperation. The idea is up for discussion so that it fits in with everything else. We also have other needs for this type of icon. The graphics will be used only in the web.
We are looking for a creative to create a series of 7 short, dynamic video ads for Our goal is to reach young driver candidates (18-24 years old) with key marketing messages that will help them prepare for their driving test. Each of the seven videos will focus on one specific marketing message that we will deliver. We are looking for a fresh, youthful approach and the ability to convey these ideas in an attractive, concise manner. The videos should be in vertical format (9:16), ideal for social media, with a maximum length of 60 seconds each. We expect creativity in presenting our messages in a way that will engage a young audience. The deadline is August 7, with the possibility of a little flexibility. The budget for the project is PLN 2,000.
I will commission 3 banners (ads) animated so that they adapt to the screen resolution.
I am looking for a voiceover artist with fluent English (US) for video materials explaining the operation of an online platform. Preferably if the person has experience in the whole process of preparing materials from screen recording to editing (adding thanks and voice) and publishing. The target platform is YouTube and Linkedin. Please send me examples of your projects. Please provide me with a price regarding the preparation of one video with recorded voice and editing of 10 minutes in length. \
Good day, We are looking for a person/company to create a catalogue of our products (furniture-chairs) for us. The work consists in composing the catalogue, adding product photos, making arrangement photos (rendering, photography - to be determined). We have our own database of photos, 3d solids and fabric structures. We would be happy to undertake permanent cooperation. Our products: FAJNEKRZESLA.PL
Hi, I am looking for a person with experience in preparing Youtube thumbnails. On Youtube I am opening a channel of a foundation that promotes the legalization of marijuana in Poland. In the first video we record our song in a recording studio. The vlog is ready, I need a thumbnail. If I am satisfied I will undertake further cooperation.
I will commission the preparation of a short Intro - 3 sec. - animation of the finished logo. The idea is to develop an intro along the lines of the previous one, but due to the change of the logo a new version is needed.
I will commission the preparation of a short (about 15 seconds), quiet jingle for use at the beginning and end of a podcast.
I am looking for a person with equipment and skills to take product photos (simple packshot) of jewelry - white background, retouching. 11 pieces of individual items (4x ring, 4x bracelet, 3x necklace) + 5 photos of sets (composed of higher elements). This is all above x2 (since there is a silver and gold version) Possibly for gold can be converted in the program if you do not fit into the budget. It is about product photos, simple.
I know the basics of CapCut - I would need to create an editable template to generate Reels in this style: Please get me a quote for making such a template and send me examples of your work


Check frequently asked questions:
  • What is Useme?

    We are a financial service that allows you to easily and quickly send invoices and receive payments from clients from any continent. Our goal is to simplify international transactions and let you focus on work instead of daunting paperwork and admin tasks. That’s why we handle them for you as your Agent of Record.
  • As your Agent of Record, we’re a “bridge” between you and your client from any country. We create an online contract and send an invoice to your client. You’ll get paid quickly and securely, and... that’s it. We handle all the paperwork and admin tasks, complying with your client’s local laws and regulations.
  • Useme lets you get paid legally for freelance jobs done remotely for clients from any country. Our most frequent transactions include programming, marketing, design, IT, translation, copywriting, photo and video, and finances. When invoicing, upload a document proving the job has been done, e.g., a sample.
  • Useme goes between you and your client. When the client accepts your work through our platform, we will collect the money from them and send it to your account. After signing up, choose a currency and preferred payment method (bank transfer, Wise, Payoneer, or PayPal) to streamline the payment.
  • On Useme, freelancers get their payout within 24 hours after we receive the payment from their client.

Check our Help Center for more answers

Your agent or record

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All of us contribute to your secure, fast, and easy global deals

  • Aleksandra Wajs

    Aleksandra Wajs

    Junior UX designer
  • Ewa Wilczyńska-Kuczera

    Ewa Wilczyńska-Kuczera

    Expert Customer Success Specialist
  • Paulina Musiał

    Paulina Musiał

    Helpdesk Specialist
  • Piotr Ogrodnicki

    Piotr Ogrodnicki

    Head of IT
  • Agata Kołodziej-Dynaryńska

    Agata Kołodziej-Dynaryńska

    Head of Customer Success
  • Nikita Grygoriev

    Nikita Grygoriev

    Maintenance Team Lead
  • Hubert Lesiak

    Hubert Lesiak

    Senior Frontend Developer
  • Monika Ciszek

    Monika Ciszek

    Product Marketing Lead
  • Rafał Fuchs

    Rafał Fuchs

    Mid Backend Developer
  • Robert Włodarek

    Robert Włodarek

    Senior Customer Success Specialist
  • Marta Polowczyk

    Marta Polowczyk

    COO, Head of Product
  • Patrycja Radziwonowicz

    Patrycja Radziwonowicz

    Mid Backend Developer
  • Marta Hampl

    Marta Hampl

    Mid Backend Developer
  • Patryk Grycuk

    Patryk Grycuk

    Junior Backend Developer
  • Lizaveta Tsyhuliova

    Lizaveta Tsyhuliova

    Helpdesk Specialist
  • Magdalena Macalik

    Magdalena Macalik

    Test Team Leader
  • Marta Bielawska

    Marta Bielawska

    Mid Tester
  • Krzysztof Kapuza

    Krzysztof Kapuza

    Lead UX designer
  • Anita Trajdos

    Anita Trajdos

    Team Leader: Customer Success
  • Przemek Głośny

    Przemek Głośny

  • Bartłomiej Król

    Bartłomiej Król

    Growth Team Leader
  • Natalia Jaworska

    Natalia Jaworska

    Helpdesk Specialist
  • Stanisław Fortoński

    Stanisław Fortoński

    Senior Frontend Developer
  • Marta Bystryk

    Marta Bystryk

    Content Creation Lead, Copywriter
  • Ching Li

    Ching Li

    Growth Marketing Automation Specialist
  • Maja Kolankowska

    Maja Kolankowska

    Growth Team Leader
  • Tomasz Inglot

    Tomasz Inglot

    Senior Helpdesk Specialist
  • Dawid Szkiełka

    Dawid Szkiełka

    Head of Innovation
  • Szymon Czerny

    Szymon Czerny

    Legal Advisor
  • Karolina Kowalkowska

    Karolina Kowalkowska

    Junior Helpdesk Specialist
  • Izabela Głowienka

    Izabela Głowienka

    Senior Customer Success Specialist
  • Kamila Szpinek

    Kamila Szpinek

    Junior Helpdesk Specialist
  • Marcin Nowinowski

    Marcin Nowinowski

    Senior Backend Developer
  • Aliaksandr Tsykin

    Aliaksandr Tsykin

    PPC Marketing & Analytics
  • Kamil Pelcer

    Kamil Pelcer

    Sales Specialist
  • Aleksandra Steć

    Aleksandra Steć

    Junior Helpdesk Specialist
  • Anastasia Danilova

    Anastasia Danilova

    Team Leader: Helpdesk
  • Jakub Winter

    Jakub Winter

    Data & Analytics Advisor
  • Grzegorz Wojdalski

    Grzegorz Wojdalski

    Senior Backend Developer
  • Marcel Rowiński

    Marcel Rowiński

    Head of Sales
  • Zuzanna Ilków

    Zuzanna Ilków

    Product Marketing Lead
  • Andrii Zhmaka

    Andrii Zhmaka

    Mid Tester
  • Agata Szabat

    Agata Szabat

    Junior Helpdesk Specialist
  • Krzysztof Jaworowski

    Krzysztof Jaworowski

    Senior Backend Developer
  • Patrycja Zawadka

    Patrycja Zawadka

  • Anna Wcisło

    Anna Wcisło

    Senior Helpdesk Specialist
  • Maciej Matowicki

    Maciej Matowicki

  • Paulina Becherowska-Stachera

    Paulina Becherowska-Stachera

    Project Manager
  • Michał Bednarz

    Michał Bednarz

  • Julia Nowak

    Julia Nowak

    Office Manager
  • Natalia Zielińska

    Natalia Zielińska

    Head of Marketing
  • Żaneta Siwik

    Żaneta Siwik

    Product Marketing Lead
  • Marta Beńko

    Marta Beńko

    Project Manager
  • Agnieszka Gadawska

    Agnieszka Gadawska

    Head of Growth
  • Anastasia Juskys

    Anastasia Juskys

    Senior Customer Success Specialist
  • Katarzyna Sałaban-Ogrodnicka

    Katarzyna Sałaban-Ogrodnicka

    Junior Frontend Developer
  • Katarzyna Markiewicz

    Katarzyna Markiewicz

    Project Manager